新关注 > 信息聚合 > 纯正日式卡牌 《刀剑神域OL》安卓版震撼推出

纯正日式卡牌 《刀剑神域OL》安卓版震撼推出

Pure Japanese style card card "the domain of God sword OL" Android version of shock launched

2015-07-24 11:57:01来源: 4399

纯正日式卡牌——《刀剑神域OL》手游即将于7月24日11:00登陆4399手机游戏网,届时,玩家可以通过4399游戏盒或者进入游戏专区进行下载。这款来自动漫改编而成的手游大作,会以一个怎样的新姿态进军国内市场呢?让我们拭目以待吧。 唤醒动漫记忆 情怀贯穿游戏 游戏的画面不仅依靠强大的...

pure Japanese card -- the domain of God sword OL "in the hands of the tour is on July 24, 11:00 landing 4399 mobile game network. Then, the player can through 4399 game box or into the game zone to download. This adaptation of the animation from the hand travel masterpiece, will be a new attitude to enter the domestic market it? Let us wait and see. The picture of the animation and memory of the game is not only rely on powerful...

标签: 安卓