新关注 > 信息聚合 > 你可以见证的史诗 魔兽世界玩家自制电影盘点

你可以见证的史诗 魔兽世界玩家自制电影盘点

You can witness the epic world of Warcraft players homemade film inventory

2015-07-23 20:06:03来源: 游久网

远古传说三部曲 魔兽世界版魔戒三部曲--史诗巨作《远古传说》,超级强悍。虽然并非暴雪官方制作,而是由一些拥有专业技术的WoW玩家召集了上千的群众玩家参与,配以专业的配音和精美的后期制作,每天耗费三小时,历时一年半最终完成。共分3部,截止2007年12月已经全部制作完成并且发布到互联网...

legend trilogy of Warcraft world version of the Lord of the Rings Trilogy - Epic "the legend of the ancient", super powerful. Though not official Blizzard make, but by some have professional technology of wow players called thousands of people internationally participation, with professional dubbing and fine post production, daily spending three hours, lasted a year and a half finished. A total of 3, as of December 2007 has been fully completed and released to the internet...