新关注 > 信息聚合 > 革命还未胜利 同志仍需努力《二炮手》评测

革命还未胜利 同志仍需努力《二炮手》评测

Revolution is not victory comrades still need to the second artillery "hand evaluation

2015-07-22 15:16:40来源: 4399

抗战题材的影视作品在目前的影视行业非常火热,大多数的人都没有经历过战争年代,所以对那个时期充满了好奇,前些时间知名演员孙红雷主演的《二炮手》为观众们带来了热血奋战的革命之路,今天小编要为大家介绍的这款射击游戏《二炮手》就是以电视剧原型改编的作品,下面就跟随小编一起来开启抗战之旅吧。 游...

War theme in the film and television works in the film and television industry very hot, most people has not experienced the war, so in that period full of curiosity, earlier well-known actor sun Honglei, starring the" Second Artillery hand "for the audience brought revolution fighting blood, today Xiaobian to introduce this shooting game of the Second Artillery hand" is adapted TV prototype works. Here follow Xiaobian a trip to the war of resistance against Japan opened up. Tour...