新关注 > 信息聚合 > 满满的回忆和老公在一起的八年


Full of memories and husband together for eight years

2015-07-22 09:37:50来源: 17173

这是一个说来话长的故事,然而我是一个懒人,又不是很会说话,就长话短说吧 跟我的现实老公是在游戏里认识的,这个号是我当初买来送给他玩的哈哈,300R!69的三修满~ 2007年认识的,那时候还在读书,我们都是玩69的,认识2个月后游戏里结婚啦,认识大半年的时候见面的(因为当时都在同个城...

the stories of a long story. However, I am a lazy man, and is not very talkative, to make a long story short, with my real husband is met in the game, this number is 300r, I had to buy to give him play, ha ha! 69 Xiuman ~ 2007 years, at that time still in reading, we are playing 69, understanding married two months later in the game, of course, half a year meeting (because at that time in the same city.