新关注 > 信息聚合 > WOW设计师:德拉诺将在未来几周内解锁飞行


Wow Designer: Delano will in the next few weeks unlock the flight

2015-06-29 17:18:01来源: 17173

【17173整理报道】 近日,魔兽世界首席游戏设计师Ion Hazzikostas,既魔兽的主要负责人Watcher接受了外媒的采访。主要谈了谈6.2的内容。其中,备受玩家关注的飞行系统,Watcher也进行了回应,他表示德拉诺将在未来的几周内解锁飞行。 Q:地狱火堡垒的装等系统有...

[17173 reports finishing] recently, world of Warcraft chief game designer ion hazzikostas, both world of Warcraft mainly responsible for watcher accepted an interview with foreign media. Mainly talked about 6.2 of the content. Among them, the system has been the focus of attention of players, Watcher has also been a response, he said Delano will unlock the flight in the next few weeks. Q: the installation of the fort of hell fire and so on...