新关注 > 信息聚合 > 从近期比赛分析VG双子星的黯淡之谜?


From the recent game analysis of VG twin dark mystery? Swimming

2015-06-29 17:55:25来源: 游久网

作为上一个版本公认中国实力最强的DOTA战队,VG在各大赛事中的表现确是令人大跌眼镜。几乎很少获得世界性大赛冠军。近期与欧美顶级战队的交手中,更是明显的落于下风,每每惨遭吊打。而VG的招牌双子星,再也没有去年惊世骇俗的表现。为何VG状态如此低迷?又是为何曾让人赞不绝口的双子星几近陨落? ...

as a version of the recognized China's strongest DOTA, VG's performance in a major tournament is really surprising. Hardly ever won the world championship. The recent European and American top team play, is obviously down to leeward, often brutally suspended. The VG sign of Gemini, no last shock the common customs performance. Why is VG so low? And why is that people were almost Gemini be profuse in praise fall?...