新关注 > 信息聚合 > 叫好不叫座?索尼望《最后守护者》销量有突破


Praised? Sony of the last guardian, sales have exceeded

2015-06-29 18:40:44来源: 新浪

“叫好不叫座”是不少经典游戏都曾遇到过的困境,昔日PS2上的《ICO》和《旺达与巨像》就完全属于这种情况,和索尼其他几个著名的第一方独占品牌大作相比,销量明显及不上评价,索尼不希望明年的《最后的守护者》再度出现这种情况。 在一次采访中,索尼PS欧洲总监Jim Ryan从财政的角度评述...

applauded does not appeal to the audience "is the dilemma that has been confronted by many classic game hope. Former PS2 ICO and the shadow of the Colossus completely belongs to this situation, and Sony several other well-known first party exclusive brand sales in obvious and not evaluation, Sony doesn't want to re emergence of the the next year the last guardian. In an interview, Ryan PS, director of the European Jim, from a financial perspective...

标签: 索尼