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《花千骨》正版手游今日上线 赵丽颖亲自代言人

The spend thousands of bone "genuine hand travel on-line today Zhao Liying personally spokesperson

2015-06-25 12:25:33来源: TechWeb

仙侠剧《花千骨》电视剧近日在网络上人气不断高涨,堪比《盗墓笔记》。今天,根据根据同名小说电视剧改编的《花千骨》正版授权手游也正式上线了。 据了解,电视剧女主角、《花千骨正版》手游代言人赵丽颖也将亲自上线首个服务器站台。此前,该手游已经进行过删档内测。 除此大招之外,本次版本更新了更为...

Xian Xia play" flower thousands of bone "teleplay recently on the network rising popularity, comparable to the" Daomu ". Today, according to the novel of the same name, the novel of the same name, "a thousand bones," a genuine hand travel is also officially launched. It is understood that the actress, the TV series, "flower thousand bones and bones," Zhao Liying will also be the first hand tour of the first server platform. Previously, the Mobile Games has been deleted file online. In addition to this move, this version of the update more...

标签: 手游