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索尼直营渠道PlayStation Direct疑似不再售卖PS4 Pro

Playstation direct, Sony's direct channel, no longer sells PS4 Pro

2020-12-19 10:40:47来源: 游戏时光

在索尼直营的 PlayStation Direct 商店上,PS4 Pro 已经列为“缺货”并且“未来没有计划补货”。这意味着索尼未来可能不会在直营渠道销售 PS4 Pro,虽然有可能分销的零售商仍能收到索尼的供货,但这无疑是一个索尼将专注于基本款 PS4 和 PS5 的信号。甚至,可能进一步意味着索尼有打算停产 PS4 Pro。另外,根据日本雅虎新闻消息,日本区域的 PS4 Pro 在 9 月时就已经停止出货。考虑到索尼推动世代迁移的决心,以及增强版主机的销量比例,这并不让人惊讶。在 PS5 发售前,Jim Ryan 就谈到对这次世代更迭很有信心。对于想购入 PlayStation 系主机的新玩家,选择是变少了,但影响应该不大。来源:GamesRadar

On Sony's Playstation direct store, the PS4 Pro has been listed as "out of stock" and "no plan to replenish in the future.". This means that Sony may not sell the PS4 pro in its direct sales channels in the future. Although the retailers that may distribute the PS4 Pro can still receive the supply from Sony, this is undoubtedly a signal that Sony will focus on the basic PS4 and ps5. It may even further mean that Sony has plans to stop production of the PS4 pro. In addition, according to Japan's Yahoo News, Japan's regional PS4 Pro has stopped shipping in September. Considering Sony's determination to promote the generation migration and the sales proportion of enhanced mainframe, this is not surprising. Before the release of the ps5, Jim Ryan talked about his confidence in this generational change. For the new players who want to buy the Playstation series host, the choice is less, but the impact should be small. Source: GamesRadar

标签: PS PS4 索尼