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《看门狗 军团》评测:拯救伦敦需要多少人?

How many people will it take to save London?

2020-10-31 19:00:00来源: 游戏时光

  《看门狗 军团》某种程度上是一款“命运多舛”的作品,游戏还未发售,风评就变了几遍。最初公布时切换角色完成任务的演示极为惊艳,但很快又引来了玩家的阵阵质疑。毕竟谁也不能保证这是不是又一次宣传欺诈,或是在开发过程中原本的设想一点一点被砍掉了。  现在我已经通关了游戏,《看门狗 军团》确实做到了“扮演每个人”,但是真的和大家所想象的一样吗?伦敦发生了什么?  《看门狗》系列的主题一直非常明确,那就是黑客。我们都很清楚,这里的黑客并不是真的要玩家运用编程知识去完成对各路系统或是账号的破解,而是给予了玩家利用角色手中的电子设备来对开放世界中的各种元素进行远程操控的能力。运用这样的能力,游戏背景即便设定在 2014 和 2017 年的现实城市中,主角也显得与众不同。  具体要在游戏中如何运用这一主题,也是《看门狗》系列

"Watchdog corps" is a kind of "ill fated" works, the game has not been sold, the wind has changed several times. When it was first announced, the demonstration of switching roles to complete the task was very amazing, but it soon attracted the doubts of the players. After all, no one can guarantee that this is another publicity fraud, or that the original idea has been cut down bit by bit in the development process. Now that I've cleared the game, "the watchdog Legion" does "play everyone", but is it really the same as you think? What happened in London? The theme of the watchdog series has always been very clear, that is, hackers. We all know that hackers here do not really want players to use programming knowledge to crack various systems or accounts, but give players the ability to use the electronic devices in their hands to remotely control various elements in the open world. With this ability, even if the game background is set in the real city in 2014 and 2017, the protagonist is different. Specifically, how to use this theme in the game is also the "watchdog" series