新关注 > 信息聚合 > 【福利】《钢琴师》国服上架iOS和TapTap


[welfare] pianist's national costume on sale IOS and taptap

2020-10-17 11:27:17来源: 游戏时光

  由心动网络发行的古典音乐游戏《钢琴师》现已发售,登陆 iOS 以及 TapTap(安卓版)。游戏售价 12 元,首周优惠至 8 元。  游戏内含 100 首经典古典乐曲,还包含步伐高阶的各种挑战,国服取消了货币、体力值等设定,玩家得以更全神贯注地投入每一段演奏体验中。  国服版本还在游戏的原有的基础上增添了许多增加游戏性的演奏模式,优化了 UI 界面。为了进一步突出古典的气质,现在的游戏的音符背景界面会根据弹奏的曲目,匹配著名的古典油画,与音符界面搭配一体。福利时间:  我们将在本文评论区抽出五个游戏兑换码(iOS、安卓任意),有兴趣的朋友记得评论留言。

The classic music game pianist, released by cardio.com, is now on sale, landing on IOS and taptap (Android version). The price of the game is 12 yuan, with a discount of 8 yuan for the first week. The game contains 100 pieces of classical music, as well as various challenges of high-level pace. The national service cancels the currency, physical strength and other settings, so that players can concentrate more on each performance experience. The national service version also adds many game playing modes on the basis of the original game, and optimizes the UI interface. In order to further highlight the classical temperament, the music background interface of the current game will match the famous classical oil painting according to the playing repertoire, and match with the music interface. Welfare time: we will take out five game exchange codes (IOS, Android, any) in the comment area of this article. If you are interested, please remember to leave comments.

标签: iOS