新关注 > 信息聚合 > 活动详情QQ飞车激情时速基地 我要的特权现在就要

活动详情QQ飞车激情时速基地 我要的特权现在就要

Privilege privileges event details QQ Speed passion speed base I want now to

2015-06-15 14:26:04来源: 游久网

QQ飞车激情时速基地 我要的特权现在就要 车手召回礼VS新手特权礼 最后一次登陆游戏的时间在3月24日之前的玩家可领取车手召回礼包,单个QQ限领一次。 浏览器定制礼 4月23日后注册游戏的玩家可免费领取新手特权礼包,单个QQ限领一次。 车手活跃跑道 活动期间,当日登录...

QQ speed passion speed base I want now to driver called salute vs novice privileges ceremony last landing time of the game on March 24, before the player can receive driver package recall and single QQ limited lead time. The browser customization ceremony after 23 April registered game player can receive free novice packs privilege, a single QQ limit collar. During the active track of the driver, the day is logged in....