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小跟班儿一起来 《剑侠世界2》萌宠数一数

Small myrmidon children together to the swordsman in the world 2 "Meng Chong count

2015-06-03 10:18:21来源: 多玩游戏

随着欢乐六一活动的进行,各位大侠们在游戏中肆意卖萌,这让《剑侠世界2》的跟宠宝贝们有些看不下去了!要说比萌拌乖,我们也不差!这不,小童子、胖胖熊、小香香、小精灵,庞大的跟宠家族一起晒萌照了,有没有感觉萌萌哒!想知道这些小跟班儿是如何将卖萌进行到底的么?那就让我们先睹为快吧! 【超萌搭...

with happy children's Day activities, you heroes in the game wanton sell sprout, which makes" Jianxia world 2 "with a pet baby some see not bottom go to. To say that better than Meng mix well, we are not bad! The small boy, Papa Bear, small savory, elves, huge with pet family together sun Meng took, there is no feeling of Meng Da! Want to know these small myrmidon children is how to sell Meng in the end?? Let us be all eagerness to see it! Super Meng take...