新关注 > 信息聚合 > 差距不是一点点!《生化危机4》高清Mod对比图


The gap is not a little! The biochemical crisis 4 HD mod comparison chart

2015-05-31 17:26:35来源: 逗游网

近日,有MOD制作人Albert和Chris公布了他们目前正在准备的《生化危机4》高清项目,如大家所见,他们将会利用高清材质和现代技术来让这款游戏看起来和新游戏一样。Chris近日公布了一批对比截图,我们从这批截图中就能了解到他们开发该款Mod的进度了。 如下面这些对比截图,左边是原...

, mod producer Albert and Chris had announced they are preparing the biochemical crisis 4 HD project. As you can see, they will use HD material and modern technology to make this game looks and game like. Chris recently announced a number of comparison, we will be able to learn from these screenshots to develop the progress of the Mod. As below these contrast screenshots, on the left is the original...

标签: 生化危机