新关注 > 信息聚合 > vivo携手联众打造顶级棋牌赛事 奔驰等你开回家

vivo携手联众打造顶级棋牌赛事 奔驰等你开回家

Vivo to create a top chess tournament Lianzhong Benz as you drive home

2015-05-04 16:51:13来源: 新浪

由vivo主办,联众游戏承办的2015年“联众斗地主黄金联赛vivo分赛区 ”已于4月27日拉开帷幕,所有vivo用户可下载游戏客户端免费参赛。作为国内最专业的棋牌赛事主办方,联众为此制定了线上线下整合的赛事运作机制,全方位为赛事提供支持与保障。据悉,vivo分区赛冠军将获奔驰轿跑使用权...

hosted by vivo, OurGame hosted the 2015 "energy-saving vivo Golden League Division" has been opened on April 27th, all vivo users can download the game client free entry. As the most professional chess tournament organizers, Lianzhong made the online and offline integration event operation mechanism, to provide a full range of support and security for the event. It is reported, vivo District champion will receive the right to use the Mercedes Benz coupe...