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赤瞳之刃菲菲拉怎么得 在哪得

Red pupil edge Fifi pull how how in which

2015-03-22 05:58:28来源: 4399

4399赤瞳之刃 菲菲拉怎么得?赤瞳之刃菲菲拉在哪得?下面西米为大家说说菲菲拉详细的获得方法。 完成主线:通关精英副本——闪避特训,可以获得菲菲拉碎片,用碎片就能招募菲菲拉了。 闪避特训对新手有点难哦,多多走动等菲菲拉累了在上去打,直接正面对打的话会比较难。

4399 red pupil edge Fifiera? Red pupil edge of where's Fifiera? The following talk about the sago method for obtaining the details of Fifiera. Complete the story: Customs elite copy -- Dodge special training, can get Fifi pull pieces, pieces can be recruited by Fifiera. Dodge special training for novice somewhat difficult oh, a lot of walking Fifi La tired on the play, the direct positive sparring may be more difficult to.