新关注 > 信息聚合 > 6栋301房的故事


The story of Room 301, building 6

2021-07-14 18:20:00来源: 触乐

我参加了上个月的定福庄游戏开发者大会。这是中国传媒大学动画与数字艺术学院游戏系的老传统,大四的毕业设计以展会的形式对外界开放试玩,还能跟开发者交流。最近几年,它的名字规范了起来,叫做“中国传媒大学游戏系毕业设计体验展”,去年因为疫情原因,展会停办了,今年重新开张,对关注学生游戏的人来说算个大事。我在逛展期间遇到一款游戏,《6栋301房》,它是如此打动我,让我在打车回家的路上就开始想给它写点什么。我和游戏的开发者聊了聊,有关她的游戏、学生作品和游戏专业。 有些遗憾,行程匆忙,我没能玩到所有的游戏,也没有询问每一位开发者的名字,他们之中或许还藏着一些珍宝等待发掘。总之,以下是我当天的见闻。 ■ 1 展览在中传校内的广告博物馆举行。从楼梯走上3层,是一间方形的大屋,里面用桌子分成了4块,桌

I attended the Dingfuzhuang game developers conference last month. This is an old tradition of the game Department of the school of animation and digital art of Communication University of China. The graduation project of senior year is open to the outside world in the form of exhibition, and can also communicate with developers. In recent years, its name has been standardized, and it's called & amp; ldquo; Graduation design experience exhibition of game Department of Communication University of China & amp; rdquo;, Last year, because of the epidemic situation, the exhibition was closed. This year, it is a big event for those who pay attention to student Games. During the exhibition, I met a game, "Room 301, building 6", which moved me so much that I began to want to write something about it on the way home by taxi. I talked to the game developer about her games, her student works and her game major.