新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《塞尔达无双 灾厄启示录》季票第二弹10月29日上线

《塞尔达无双 灾厄启示录》季票第二弹10月29日上线

"Revelation of Zelda's unparalleled disaster" the second round of season ticket went online on October 29

2021-09-24 06:53:59来源: 游戏时光

任天堂宣布《塞尔达无双 灾厄启示录》的第二弹季票“追忆的守护者”将于 10 月 29 日上线,并放出了本次扩展内容的宣传片。第二弹季票将追加新剧情、新场景、新可玩角色等要素。视频地址

Nintendo announced that the second season ticket "guardian of memory" for "Revelation of Zelda's unparalleled disaster" will go online on October 29, and released the promotional film of this expansion. The second season ticket will add new plot, new scene, new playable characters and other elements. Video address