新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《银河战士 生存恐惧》媒体评分汇总:粉丝必玩的完美续作

《银河战士 生存恐惧》媒体评分汇总:粉丝必玩的完美续作

Media score summary of "Galaxy warrior survival fear": the perfect sequel that fans must play

2021-10-06 21:38:53来源: 游戏时光

《银河战士 生存恐惧》即将于 10 月 8 日正式登陆 NS 平台,本作的媒体评分现已解禁。截至目前 Metacritic 共收录 37 家媒体,均分 88 分;Opencritic 收录 32 家媒体,均分 88 分,推荐度 90%。以下为部分外媒评价:IGN:9/10《银河战士 生存恐惧》是这个系列近 20 年后的惊喜续作,重现萨姆斯的传奇冒险的同时也带来了诸多进步,并且融合了出色的现代战斗和一些有史以来最好的 BOSS 战。GameSpot:8/10优点:灵活的控制能力和不断扩展的武器和能力让战斗和平台部分非常享受巧妙地揭晓了「密特罗德」故事的谜团系列有史以来最好的几场 BOSS 战把游戏里反馈最好的反击系统带了回来在线性探索和开放探索间实现了非常不错的平衡缺点:EMMI 区域有时候会打断探索的连贯性在游

The galaxy warrior survival fear will be officially launched on the NS platform on October 8. The media rating of this work has been lifted. So far, Metacritic has collected 37 media, with an average score of 88 points; Opencritical includes 32 media, with an average score of 88 and a recommendation of 90%. The following are some foreign media comments: ign: 9 / 10 "Galactic warrior survival fear" is the surprise sequel of this series nearly 20 years later. It not only reproduces SAMs's legendary adventure, but also brings a lot of progress, and integrates excellent modern combat and some of the best boss wars in history. Gamespot: advantages of 8 / 10: the flexible control ability and expanding weapons and capabilities make the combat and platform parts enjoy it very much, and cleverly unveil "mitterod" The mystery of the story series the best boss wars in history brought back the best counterattack system in the game, and achieved a very good balance between linear exploration and open exploration. Disadvantage: Emmi area sometimes interrupts the continuity of exploration