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北控男篮篮板失控惨败广厦 三外援得分成徒劳

Beikong basketball backboard runaway defeat Guangsha three foreign aid scored last night in vain

2015-11-26 09:20:57来源: 中国新闻网

昨晚,首钢赢球,而北控却在客场以86比111大比分输给了广厦队。篮板球失控、国内球员状态一般成为输球主要原因。 首节两队处于僵持阶段,北控内援外援巴蒂斯塔连续拿分,而广厦的霍尔曼也同样不甘示弱,双方以22比22战平进入次节。第二节北控连续快攻反击,但此后国内球员投篮命中率下降,防守又...

, Shougang win, and becom is on the road to 86 than 111 score lost to the Guangsha team. The rebound out of control, domestic players generally become the main reason for losing state. The first section of the both sides in a stalemate, Beikong Neiyuan foreign aid Batista continuous points, and Guangsha Holman also not to be outdone, the two sides to 22 22 draw into the second section. The second section Beikong continuous fast counter attack, but after the domestic players shooting down, defense and...