新关注 > 信息聚合 > 一个葫芦,一个铃铛,都是西游有意笑谈“惧内之..


A gourd, a bell is West intended joke "henpecked..

2015-06-05 00:13:47来源: 中国新闻网


the 35 back, Sun Wukong to outwit the gourd, change the a false gourd, left in the hands of the king of the silver horn. When the silver king saw his gourd Wukong, greatly puzzled. Wukong naughty angle of Silver King said that the hoist the one on, his own hand is a male of, and take a king silver angle is female of. Silver corner king of course not, he immediately began to debug their own hands of the female gourd, but the total loss of mana. This is of course, Goku had it...