新关注 > 信息聚合 > 三年卧薪尝胆成就郝伟胸有成竹 此女足让人心安

三年卧薪尝胆成就郝伟胸有成竹 此女足让人心安

Three years of hardships of achievement Hao Wei answers the women make people feel at ease

2015-06-21 15:41:46来源: 搜狐

新华社记者王浩明、公兵、马邦杰 没有躲进洗衣桶,没有钻进更衣室,甚至连手机都从未拿出,郝伟还是穿着那套修身的西装,平静地在女足世界杯八分之一决赛中国对喀麦隆比赛的看台上坐了两个小时。 这位中...

Xinhua News Agency reporter Wang Haoming, male soldiers, Ma Bangjie did not hide into washing barrel, not penetrated to the locker room, and even cell phones can never took, Haowei still wearing a suit of the cultivation, quietly in the FIFA Women's World Cup 1 / 8 final match against Cameroon stands sat for two hours. The middle...