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Smooth hair about 8 things you need to know

2014-12-07 21:09:52来源: 人民网

关于顺滑秀发你不知道的8件事 在追求丝滑、飘逸、不毛躁头发的路上,美发沙龙给我们提供了诸多的护理选择。那么如何在其中选出效果好,损伤小的方法呢?一起来看下面贴心科普。 蛋白不能让头发告别毛躁 在进行角蛋白治疗后,头发可以保持几周甚至数月的平滑柔顺,但要想借此来彻底改变发质,从生...

about 8 things smooth hair and you don't know in the pursuit of the road and silky, flowing, not edgy hair, hair salon offers us many to choose the nursing. So how to choose in which good effect, small damage? With the view of the following intimate science. Protein is not let the hair farewell edgy in keratin after treatment, the hair can keep smooth weeks or months, but want to completely change the hair, from birth...