新关注 > 信息聚合 > 男子遭遇#养生女友# 炒菜掐秒表吃饭须嚼32下[偷笑]

男子遭遇#养生女友# 炒菜掐秒表吃饭须嚼32下[偷笑]

The man suffered # health # girlfriend cooking 32 meals to chew pinch stopwatch [laughing]

2016-03-13 00:32:19来源: 新浪

原标题:男子遭遇#养生女友# 炒菜掐秒表吃饭须嚼32下[偷笑] 武汉梁先生为人开朗,不拘小节,吃菜口味较重。上个月体检体重略超,从此女友便要求他:每天必须喝8杯水、跑5公里;一口饭嚼32下;炒菜...

Original title: man suffered # health girlfriend # cooking pinch stopwatch eat must chew 32 times [laughing] Wuhan Leung is bright, sloppy, vegetables taste heavier. Physical examination last month weight slightly over, then girlfriend asked him: every day to drink 8 glasses of water, 5 km run; a mouthful of chewing 32; cooking...