新关注 > 信息聚合 > 光荣《信长之野望201X》登陆IOS和安卓


Honor the Nobunaga's ambition 201x "landing IOS and Android

2015-05-24 13:02:20来源: 天极网

日本著名游戏软件制作商光荣的《信长之野望》系列手游新作《信长之野望201X》(信长の野望201X)日前正式登陆iOS和Android双平台,采用“喜闻乐见”的下载免费含内购的收费模式。 本作是一...

famous Japanese game software maker glorious the Nobunaga's ambition" series of mobile games new "Nobunaga no yabou 201x" (Nobunaga] ambition 201x) recently officially landed in double IOS and Android platform, using "love to see and hear" download free with the purchase of charging mode. This is a...

标签: iOS 安卓