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中国红基会赴云南筛查先心病 专家:“不能再等了”

China red base will went to Yunnan screening for congenital heart disease experts: "can't wait" people

2015-06-10 21:07:56来源: 人民网

中国红十字基金会“天使之旅”先心病患儿筛查行动10日来到云南省红河哈尼族彝族自治州下辖的个旧市。图为来自武警总医院的医生在为个旧市人民小学的学生进行筛查。 张素 摄 中新网云南个旧6月10日电 ...

China Red Cross Foundation Angel tour to 10 children with congenital heart disease screening action came to Yunnan Honghe Hani and Yi Autonomous Prefecture under the jurisdiction of the old city. The picture is from the armed police general hospital doctors in the old city people's primary school students for screening. Zhang Su photo of the new network Yunnan old June 10 electric...