新关注 > 信息聚合 > 2016名人堂候选名单:姚明艾弗森奥尼尔共同入选


2016 Hall of Fame list of candidates: Iverson O'Neal Yao Ming was selected together

2016-02-13 07:19:37来源: 搜狐

北京时间2月13日消息,奈史密斯名人堂公布了2016年终极候选名单,姚明、阿伦-艾弗森,以及沙克-奥尼尔共同入选。 两个月前,篮球名人堂入选规则发生重大调整--一名球员被提名入选名人堂的等待时间...

Beijing Feb. 13 news, Naismith Hall of Fame announced the final list of candidates for 2016, Yao Ming, Allen - Allen Iverson and Shaquille O'Neal - jointly selected. Two months ago, the basketball Hall of Fame rules of major adjustment - a Hall of Fame player nominated waiting time ...