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热血街霸3D印钞机在哪里? 印钞机放哪里去了

Street Fighter 3D blood HKNPL machine where? The printing press put where

2015-04-09 12:11:30来源: 4399

问:热血街霸3D印钞机在哪里? 新版本更新印钞机放哪里去了 答:这次新版本的更新对印钞机的位置做了调整,导致很多童鞋不适应,甚至很多童鞋进入游戏后一直找不到印钞机(中枪了的请举手)。 印钞机位置...

asked: where is the blood of street fighter 3D printing press? New version update banknote printing machine where to put to the answer: this new version of the update of the printing press position adjustments have been made, lead to a lot of shoes does not adapt, even many children after entering the game has not been able to find a printing press (in the gun, please raise your hand. The position of the printing press...