新关注 > 信息聚合 > 曼联大将自曝收穆帅好运短信 放话:今夏我不会走

曼联大将自曝收穆帅好运短信 放话:今夏我不会走

Revealed Manchester united will accept mourinho good luck message saying: I can't go this summer

2016-06-12 04:41:17来源: 新浪

费莱尼透露,穆里尼奥给他发好运短信 新浪体育讯 欧洲杯激战正酣,曼联大将费莱尼跟随比利时积极备战中。在一次采访中,费莱尼透露自己收到穆里尼奥发来的好运短信,与此同时他强调自己不会离开曼联。 ...

Fee lenny, according to jose mourinho sent him a good luck message Dispatch of sina sports Euro in combat, united general fee followed in Belgium for lenny. In an interview, fee lenny revealed he get the luck of the message from jose mourinho, meanwhile he stressed that he will not leave Manchester united. ...