新关注 > 信息聚合 > 无双兵器盘点:《青龙偃月刀》超暴力的神兵利器


Peerless weapon inventory: the green dragon crescent moon blade "ultra violent magic weapon

2015-07-31 12:23:31来源: 多玩游戏

《青龙偃月刀》是全球首款革命性无双RPG手游,玩家将在游戏中通过自由操控知名三国武将进行无双战斗,在同屏上百人的大战斗规模和成人级的战斗血腥特效下,畅享一招秒杀百人、战场血肉横飞的极致割草快感! ...

" Tsing Lung Yanyue Dao "is the world's first revolutionary warriors RPG mobile games, players will in the game by free manipulation of the famous Three Kingdoms generals unparalleled combat, on the screen with the hundred large scale of combat and adult stage of bloody fighting effects, enjoying recruit hundreds of spike, battlefield, xuerouhengfei the ultimate mowing pleasure! ...