新关注 > 信息聚合 > 兰州市委宣传部开展捐资助学活动累计174人受益


Lanzhou Municipal Propaganda Department of the activities undertaken to donate a total of 174 people benefited

2016-01-28 09:07:34来源: 中国甘肃网

原标题:市委宣传部开展捐资助学活动累计174人受益 中国甘肃网1月28日讯 据兰州晚报报道 (记者 杨昕) 1月26日,市委宣传部资助贫困大学生暨“互联网+”爱心捐助金发放仪式在永登县通远乡举行,...

Original title: Municipal Propaganda Department of the activities undertaken to donate a total of 174 people benefited China Gansu Network January 28 hearing, according to Lanzhou Evening News (Reporter Yang Xin) January 26, Municipal Propaganda Department to support poor college students and the "Internet +" love donation gold in far-distribution ceremony held in Yongdeng Township, ...