新关注 > 信息聚合 > 马宝刚:球队没想换掉库卡 他是位伟大的教练

马宝刚:球队没想换掉库卡 他是位伟大的教练

Ma Baogang: the team didn't want to replace the KUKA he is a great coach

2015-06-23 21:22:59来源: 华体网

体育6月23日讯 中超15轮24日将上演一场石家庄永昌主场迎战山东鲁能的焦点战。23日的赛前发布会上,因为库卡被足协禁赛7个月,鲁能方面出席发布会的是助理教练马宝刚。对于此前鲁能将换帅的传闻,马宝刚...

sports June 23 hearing super 15 round 24, will be staged a Shijiazhuang Yongchang home against Shandong Luneng, the focus of the war. His pre match press conference on 23, KUKA is football association suspended for seven months, Luneng attended the press conference is assistant coach Ma Baogang. For the previous Luneng will Huanshuai rumors, Ma Baogang...