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机器人变身关员 钻入到车辆底部帮忙查车

Robot turns into a customs officer Down to the bottom of the vehicle to help ZhaChe

2016-06-21 17:19:03来源: 中国新闻网

深圳海关启用全国首批车辆底盘检查“机器人” 羊城晚报讯 记者宋王群、 蒋昕摄影报道:灵活聪明的“机器人”钻入到车辆底部,伸出摄像头将车辆底部图像迅速扫描,而在远处,“特工”们紧张地观察和分析着手...

Shenzhen customs to enable the national first batch of vehicle chassis inspection "robot" yangcheng evening news Reporter song wang qun, Jiang Xin photojournalism: flexible smart "robot" down to the bottom of the vehicle, stretched out quickly scan camera will be at the bottom of the vehicle images, in the distance, the "agent" observation and analysis on nervously...