新关注 > 信息聚合 > 姚晨挺大肚直播吃火锅 小郭秀才忆武林情

姚晨挺大肚直播吃火锅 小郭秀才忆武林情

Yao Chen Ting Tatu live to eat hot pot scholar Guo Yi martial arts situation

2016-08-03 10:15:55来源: 新浪

新浪娱乐讯 8月2日,姚晨[微博]通过微博上传和“吕秀才”喻恩泰一起聚会吃火锅的直播视频,视频中,姚晨挺着大大的肚子,毫不吝啬的享受美食,并和喻恩泰唠嗑回忆当年拍摄《武林外传》的日子。也更引得众网友...

LOS ANGELES, August 2, Yao Chen [microblogging] through the microblogging upload and "Annette was" Yuen Tai gathering together to eat hot pot of live video, video, YAO bulging big belly, generous enjoy the food, and and Yuen Tai Laoke recalls that when filming of "Wulin" day. Also attracted more public users ...

标签: 直播