新关注 > 信息聚合 > 动真格!曼联正式报价小猪 欲签2年年薪达千万

动真格!曼联正式报价小猪 欲签2年年薪达千万

The real thing! Manchester United official offer pig want to sign 2 the annual salary of millions of

2015-07-10 09:23:40来源: 华体网

《图片报》:曼联正式报价施魏因斯泰格 在早早签下德佩之后,曼联的引援动作似乎进入了停滞阶段。除了和皇马打响守卫德赫亚大战外,其他引援多只是雷声大雨点小。不过在最近几天,曼联似乎加快了引援的步伐。...

"Bild": Manchester United official offer Schweinsteiger after sign early pres, Manchester United's reinforcements action seems to enter the stagnation stage. In addition to Real Madrid and guard David De Gea started the war, many other signings only small talk. But in recent days, seems to accelerate the pace of signing manchester. ...