新关注 > 信息聚合 > 曝德普紧急出售2栋豪宅 疑为付前妻赡养费

曝德普紧急出售2栋豪宅 疑为付前妻赡养费

Depp exposure urgent sale two luxury suspected his ex-wife to pay alimony

2016-07-17 23:51:18来源: 新浪

新浪娱乐讯 据台湾媒体报道,好莱坞巨星强尼-德普(Johnny Depp)今年5月惊曝被小22岁嫩妻艾梅柏-希尔德(Amber Heard)休掉,15个月短命婚姻宣布走到尽头。后曝出艾梅柏想争他百亿...

LOS ANGELES According to Taiwan media reports, the Hollywood superstar Johnny - Depp (Johnny Depp) in May this year, Jing Bao was a small 22-year-old tender wife Yimei Bo - Hilde (Amber Heard) divorced, 15-month short-lived marriage announcement come to an end. After exposed Yimei Bo wanted to fight him ten billion ...