新关注 > 信息聚合 > 王菲自嘲“话太密”12月30日开唱不请窦靖童


Faye wong self-mockery "too close" on December 30, life not jingers, please

2016-09-10 23:00:26来源: 国际在线

国际在线专稿(记者:刘欣 赵静雅):9月9日,王菲在北京出席“王菲幻乐一场2016”演唱会发布会,宣布将于12月30日在上海开唱。 当天活动,王菲心情大好,完全不似以往惜字如金,十分健谈,被主持...

International online features (reporter: liu xin Jing-ya zhao) : on September 9, faye wong in Beijing to attend the "faye wong unreal joy a 2016" concert press conference, announced on December 30 concert in Shanghai. Activities on the same day, wong's mood good, completely unlike previous precious little words, very talkative, presided over by...