新关注 > 信息聚合 > iPhone7首周末会卖多少部?苹果决定不告诉你


How many we will sell iPhone7 first weekend? Apple decided not to tell you

2016-09-10 10:46:17来源: TechWeb

网易科技讯9月9日消息,据外媒报道,苹果公司已经于昨天发布了新机iPhone 7和iPhone 7 Plus,并于周五开始接受预定。但该公司今日宣布,将打破传统惯例,不再发布有关iPhone 7开售后首个周末的销量数据。苹果解释称,发布这样的数据用以衡量iPhone 7是否能满足需求没有...

Netease science and technology news on September 9, according to foreign media reports, apple has released a new iPhone yesterday 7 and 7 Plus the iPhone, and begin to accept reservation on Friday. But the company today announced that it will break the traditional convention, no longer release the iPhone 7 open after the first weekend of sales data. Released apple explained that this data is used to measure whether the iPhone 7 can meet the requirements are not...

标签: 苹果