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谢文骏:预赛成绩无竞争力 对手抢跑没影响我

Xie Wenjun: preliminary results without a rival false start did not affect the

2015-08-26 13:48:58来源: 网易

世锦赛110米栏展开预赛争夺,谢文骏顺利杀进半决赛,他在赛后表示看到这么多观众为自己加油感到很棒,而同组对手抢跑对自己没影响。 网易体育8月26日报道: 北京时间8月26日消息,北京田径世锦赛1...

Netease Championships of 110 meter hurdles launched the preliminaries competition, Xie Wenjun smoothly rounded out the semi finals, he after the game said see so many audience cheer for their own feel great, and with rival groups in false start on their own did not affect. Netease sports in August 26th reported: Beijing time August 26th news, Beijing track and Field Championships 1...