新关注 > 信息聚合 > WhatsApp月活跃用户量达8亿人


WhatsApp monthly active users up to 8 billion people

2015-04-20 01:41:40来源: 中国青年网

作为全球最受欢迎的信息平台之一,WhatsApp人气高涨。日前,WhatsApp宣布其月活跃用户量已达8亿人。WhatsApp Messenger使用户可以免费向其他用户发送信息。该软件通过互联网信...

as one of the world's most popular information platform, WhatsApp popularity rising. Recently, WhatsApp announced that its monthly active users has reached 800000000 people. Messenger WhatsApp allows users to send messages to other users for free. The software through the internet...

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