新关注 > 信息聚合 > 11.11|上海地铁已被黑猫占领


11.11, the Shanghai subway has been occupying the black

2015-11-10 23:01:13来源: 搜狐

“双十一”又到来了! 自天猫2009年首创11.11购物节,这几年随着京东、苏宁易购等大型电子商务网站也加盟其中,每年的这一天已成为全民疯狂购物的嘉年华。 每年在这段特殊的日子里,大家互相见面的...

"double eleven" again! Since the lynx in 2009 the first 11.11 Shopping Festival, over the past few years with the Jingdong, Suning Tesco and other large e-commerce sites also joined the, every year this day has become universal crazy shopping carnival. Every year in this special day, we meet each other...