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佩兰两大变招成两大败招 中场失势+后防漏洞百出

Perrin two variable strokes into two walloping strokes midfielder eclipse + defence loopholes Netease

2015-08-02 23:20:00来源: 网易

面对韩国队,佩兰在中后卫的位置上让郑智拉回来和冯潇霆搭档,让蔡慧康打单后腰,从本场比赛国足的表现来看,这两大变招都成了败招。 网易体育8月2日报道: 0-2!在今天进行的东亚杯首场比赛中,中国国...

facing the South Korean team, Perrin in the central defender position to Zheng Zhila back and Feng Xiaoting partner, let Cai Huikang hit single waist, from the point of view of the game's performance, the two big change to recruit are defeat to incur. Netease sports August 2nd reported: 0-2! In the first match of the East Asian Cup, china...