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上港发布足协杯德比海报:美好 请从自我约束开始

Hong FA Cup Derby Posters Released: good, please start from the self constraint August 19

2015-08-18 00:30:22来源: 网易

北京时间8月19日,足协杯将迎来第5轮的焦点之战:上海上港对阵上海申花。17日,上港发布了本场足协杯比赛的赛前海报,其主题是号召球迷文明观球。 网易体育8月17日报道: 北京时间8月19日,足协杯将迎来第5轮的焦点之战:上海上港对阵上海申花。17日,上港发布了本场足协杯比赛的赛前海报...

Beijing time, the FA Cup final will usher in the 5th round of the focus of the war: Shanghai port against Shanghai Shenhua. 17, Hong Kong has released the FA Cup game before the poster, the theme is called civilization ball fans. Netease sports August 17 reported: Beijing time on August 19, will usher in the focus of the war, the 5th round of the FA Cup: Shanghai port against Shanghai Shenhua. 17, on the Hong Kong released the game of the Football Association Cup competition...