新关注 > 信息聚合 > 妊娠期及产后排便紊乱知多少


Pregnancy and postpartum defecation disorders known how much

2015-04-15 17:25:19来源: 丁香园

妊娠期及产后妇女常出现恶心、呕吐及烧心等胃肠道不适,但最为麻烦的却是排便紊乱。近日,来自美国天普大学医学院胃肠科室的Grace等对妊娠期及产后排便紊乱的研究进行了综述,文章发表在AM J GASTR...

pregnancy and postpartum women often appear nausea, vomiting and heartburn and other gastrointestinal discomfort, but the trouble is disordered defecation. Recently, AM from Temple University School of medicine, Grace, and so on the pregnancy and postpartum defecation disorders research were reviewed, the article was published in J GASTR...