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索尼PS VR国行精品套装抢先开箱!3699元

SONY playstation VR legal channels fine suit beat out! 3699 yuan

2016-10-10 23:49:30来源: 环球网

10月13日是索尼PS VR全球首发的日子,这次,国行也在第一批之列,起步价2999元,含Camera和Move的套装售价3699元。 按照索尼的邀请函,13日下午15点,索尼有望在北京718壹空间带来国行PS4 Slim ,可谓“天作之合”。 据悉,PS VR国行的首批游戏共计...

On October 13th was the day of SONY playstation VR world debut, this time, also among the first batch of legal channels, will start at 2999 yuan, including Camera and Move set costs 3699 yuan. According to SONY's invitation, 13, 15 PM, SONY is expected to 718 in Beijing ts1 bring legal channels PS4 Slim, it may be said "a match made in heaven". It is understood that the PS lines of the first game of VR countries...

标签: PS VR 索尼