新关注 > 信息聚合 > 宋冬野首发声道歉:连累兄弟,给大家添堵了


Song dong wild starting apology: troubler brothers, difficult for everyone

2016-10-25 19:46:41来源: 新浪

原标题:宋冬野涉毒后首发声:对不起,会深刻反省 新浪娱乐讯 10月13日,知名民谣歌手宋冬野[微博]因涉毒被警方控制。10月25日,宋冬野涉毒后在微博首次发声:“我对不起父母,对不起妻子,对不起...

The original title: song wild drug-related first voice: I'm sorry, will be deep reflection Sina entertainment inquiry on October 13, famous folk singer song dong ye [microblogging] because of drug-related was controlled by the police. On October 25, after the song wild drug-related voices in weibo for the first time: "I'm sorry parents, I'm sorry wife, I'm sorry...