新关注 > 信息聚合 > 马锐探班赵丽颖 被赞眼神很真诚!

马锐探班赵丽颖 被赞眼神很真诚!

Ma Rui set Zhao Liying is like very sincere eyes!

2016-10-25 21:37:40来源: 千龙

跨界明星马锐受邀至横店客串主持,当红花旦赵丽颖,再现”拜托了冰箱”。 现场女神赞其”好能说”、”眼神真诚”。两人相谈甚欢,一见如故,并创造2800万佳赞和24万评论的惊人纪录! 亚洲顶级美学专家...

Crossover star murrey invited to Hengdian guest host, popular actress Zhao Liying, "please reproduce the refrigerator". The goddess like "good", "sincere eyes can speak". Two people talking, hit it off, and create an amazing record 28 million Jiazan and 240 thousand of Asia's top aesthetic experts comment...