新关注 > 信息聚合 > 有种小菜能清肠排毒


There is a side dish can qingchang detoxification

2016-10-06 14:14:37来源: 新浪

海带中膳食纤维含量较高,它可以促进有毒物质的排除,保持人体肠道的畅通。 同时,现在医学证实:海带中还有一种叫海藻酸钠的化合物,它对强致癌化学元素锶90有着很好的吸附作用,可以帮助人体组织将锶90...

Seaweed dietary fiber content is higher, it can promote the release of toxins, keep clear of human gut. At the same time, modern medicine has proved that there is a call in the seaweed alginate sodium compounds, its strong carcinogenic chemical element strontium 90 has good adsorption, can help the body's tissues to strontium 90...