新关注 > 信息聚合 > 兽兽老公帅气有型:与女儿穿亲子装被赞大暖男


Shoushou husband and daughter in a handsome type: children is like warm male

2016-10-08 05:47:50来源: 中国青年网

兽兽老公和女儿 兽兽老公帅气有型,10月7日上午,兽兽(翟凌)在微博晒出老公和女儿的合影,并亲昵地称两人为“二宝”。照片中帅气有型的翟凌老公在面对女儿时也是爱意满满!随后,不少网友都评论:“好幸...

Shoushou husband and daughter Shoushou husband handsome type, the morning of October 7th, Shoushou (Zhai Ling) in the micro-blog photo drying out of my husband and daughter, and lovingly calls two people two treasure". The photo of Zhai Ling in the face of handsome handsome husband daughter is full of love! Subsequently, many users have commented: good fortune...