新关注 > 信息聚合 > 鲁能将在7月中旬完成与永昌补赛 京津战确认提前

鲁能将在7月中旬完成与永昌补赛 京津战确认提前

Yongchang Luneng will be completed with the Beijing Tianjin battle game confirmed earlier in mid July

2016-06-30 19:46:07来源: 新浪

鲁能与永昌的补赛日期确定 新浪体育讯 日前,中超官方公布了两场比赛的时间调整结果,北京国安与天津泰达的京津大战提前一天,山东鲁能与石家庄永昌的补赛将在7月13日进行。 此前已有消息说,北京国...

Luneng and Yongchang match date sina sports news the day before, in the official time to adjust the results of the two games, Beijing Guoan and Tianjin TEDA Tianjin war early in the day, Shandong Luneng and Shijiazhuang Yongchang city in July 13th. Prior to the news that the country of Beijing...